Studio at Textile Arts Center, December 2017
Photo Credit: Cormac Slevin
Jamie Boyle was born in Pittsburgh, two minutes past midnight on her predicted due date. She grew up surrounded by representations of text—song lyrics, poems, quotes, prayers—and shelves of books about books; her mother was a calligrapher. Jamie spent her childhood studying ballet, learning to play The Greatest Hits of 1988/1989 on the piano, and furiously filling sketchbooks. Due to an illness that significantly altered her body’s capacity for movement (though continues to inspire her investigations), she eventually studied art and art history in college. She’s never let go of her relationship to performance. Curious about the performative potential of objects, she pursued graduate studies in sculpture, which were informed by a dedication to karaoke and an exploration of embodied knowledge and muscle memory. Since moving to New York, she has developed a weaving practice and has frequently collaborated on the design and production of material stuff—costumes, props, sets—for performances.
She also maintains an ongoing, long distance collaboration with Ohio-based writer and artist, Meg Shevenock.