Dear Weavers,
Thank you for sharing your time, creativity, focus, ingenuity, senses of humor, precision, and all-around good spirits over the past few weeks. It has been a JOY weaving with you!!!!
Collected on this page are the videos demonstrating the weaving techniques we tried during our time together. There are also links to the illustrated, instructional pdfs, for your reference. I hope you find these helpful as you continue your weaving explorations! Please stay in touch; I would love to hear from you !!!
IMPORTANT REMINDER: there are many ways to secure your weaving. This row of knots is just one idea / one way of doing this. You never “have to” make these knots !
You all are amazing ! Here is the video from our exploration into doubling up the number of warp strings across the width of your piece.
This video just features doubling up the number of warp strings, but yes ! yes, you can triple up the number of warp strings too!
SU-CASA is a collaboration among the New York City Council, the Department of Cultural Affairs, the Department for the Aging and the City's five local arts councils. This program is supported by public funds from the New York City Council in partnership with the Department of Cultural Affairs and the Department for the Aging.